Smartsearch Leads Disclaimer

  1. Despite our commitment to accurately represent our services and products, Frameworks Consortium Smartsearch Leads does not guarantee, assure, or promise particular future earnings or income. We do not promise a specific monetary return, any return at all, or that you will avoid losses.

  2. Any income or earnings statements, as well as income or earnings examples we provide, are merely estimates of potential earnings, and we do not assure or guarantee that your earnings or income will match these estimates.

  3. Past success or results related to income or earnings are not an indicator or guarantee of your upcoming success or results.

  4. Any statements or instances of real earnings on this website linked to a specific person or business are accurate, and we can verify them upon request (email: info at However, these statements or instances should not be perceived as promises or guarantees of earnings or income. Numerous factors that we cannot control, including your financial situation, abilities, level of effort, motivation, past experiences, education, competition, and changes in market conditions, can impact your potential earnings and income.

  5. Operating an online business comes with inherent risks. Make decisions based on our provided information, knowing that an online business may not be suitable for you, and you could experience substantial losses or fail to make any earnings or income.

  6. It is advised that you conduct your own due diligence in evaluating our services and products, which includes consulting with qualified professional advisors.

  7. As a result of the reasons mentioned above, you accept that Frameworks Consortium Smartsearch Leads is not responsible for any decisions you make based on the information provided on this website or in any of our products or services.